Are We ‘Sleepwalking to Armageddon’ With Nuclear Weapons?

Dr. Helen Caldicott joins Detroit Today with Stephen Henderson to talk about her work opposing nuclear weapons. Nobel Peace Prize laureates — such as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Mother Theresa, and Nelson Mandela — are people who have been recognized for their exceptional efforts to end violence and oppression around the globe. This year, the prize goes to the International Campaign […]

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There Is a New Urgency to the Threat of Nuclear Annihilation

By Helen Caldicott, The New Press | Book Excerpt In the following excerpt from her introduction to Sleepwalking to Armageddon, pioneering anti-nuclear activist Dr. Helen Caldicott explains why nuclear catastrophe is still a very real and pressing danger to humanity. Despite Donald Trump’s vows to seal the US border and eradicate ISIS, the real terrorists of

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Trump’s New Afghan Strategy May Generate Increased Global Terror

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) — President Donald Trump’s decision to keep US troops in Afghanistan, reversing his campaign pledges to withdraw from conflicts around the world, will backfire and create many more dedicated terrorists instead, global peace activist Dr. Helen Caldicott told Sputnik. In his August 21 speech, Trump unveiled what he called a new US strategy in Afghanistan that would focus on destroying Taliban and other

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Callous US Training Policies Led to Killing of Iraqi Civilians

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) – Iraqi army division trained by the United States government allegedly executed several dozen prisoners in Mosul’s Old City, Human Rights Watch (HRW) announced last week. “US training policies made no distinction to spare civilians in war situations that themselves had been caused by the toppling of previously peaceful and stable governments,” Caldicott said. Such outrages were the result

Callous US Training Policies Led to Killing of Iraqi Civilians Read More »

US ‘Childish’ Missile Interceptor Test Serves to Alarm N Korea – Peace Activist

A recent anti-missile test by the US is designed to make North Korea worry further that Washington is planning “significant military action” against it, peace activist Helen Caldicott told Sputnik. WASHINGTON (Sputnik) — The interception of an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) over the Pacific Ocean last week was a needless provocation to North Korea by US President Donald Trump’s administration,

US ‘Childish’ Missile Interceptor Test Serves to Alarm N Korea – Peace Activist Read More »

The Peace Movement

The Beginning and End of Nuclear Disarmament Campaigning in Vancouver Christine Kim, University of British Columbia Abstract The Peace Movement was an active political campaign promoting total nuclear disarmament during a period in history where the two most powerful nations in the world seemed to be just one step away from blowing each other up, and,

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Moon Victory in S. Korea Offers Hope for THAAD System Withdrawal – Activist

Peace activist Helen Caldicott claims that the election of Moon Jae-in as the next president of South Korea offers hope that the THAAD system will be withdrawn from the country soon after it was installed there. WASHINGTON (Sputnik) — The election of Moon Jae-in as the next president of South Korea offers hope that the US Theater High Altitude

Moon Victory in S. Korea Offers Hope for THAAD System Withdrawal – Activist Read More »

Trump, Pentagon ‘Sleepwalking to Armageddon’ With War Policies

Sputnik News, 15-04-2017 US President Donald Trump’s neoconservative advisors are pushing the United States towards nuclear war through military adventurism and fueling tensions with Russia, co-winner of the Nobel Peace Prize and activist Helen Caldicott told Sputnik. On Thursday, the United States dropped the largest non-nuclear bomb in the US military arsenal targeting terrorist underground

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Trump’s Strikes in Syria: ‘The World Is on Tenterhooks Awaiting His Next Move’

Sputnik News, 12-04-2017 Global peace campaigner Helen Caldicott said that in the light of recent attack on Syria, it is “absolutely terrifying” that US President Trump has a control of huge conventional and nuclear arsenal. President Donald Trump’s decision to attack Syria with cruise missiles last week made the prospect of his control of the US conventional and strategic

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US Military Industrial Complex Preventing Global Nuclear Disarmament

The White House announced its plans to increase the US defense budget by $54 billion dollars with part of it going to restoring the US’s nuclear capabilities. Nobel Peace Prize nominee and author of the book “Sleepwalking to Armageddon: The Threat of Nuclear Annihilation,” Dr. Helen Caldicott joins RT America’s Simone Del Rosario to discuss.

US Military Industrial Complex Preventing Global Nuclear Disarmament Read More »

Dr. Caldicott on Fukushima: “Decommission or Cleaning Up? It’s Fantasy!”

This Week’s Featured Interview on Nuclear Hotseat Podcast: Dr. Helen Caldicott on why Fukushima will never be able to be cleaned up; the devastating health impacts of radiation; and why the 2020 Tokyo Olympics are a really really bad idea. Nuclear Hotseat website is :

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The Fukushima nuclear meltdown continues unabated

Dr Helen Caldicott, explains recent robot photos taken of Fukushima’s Daiichi nuclear reactors: radiation levels have not peaked, but have continued to spill toxic waste into the Pacific Ocean — but it’s only now the damage has been photographed. RECENT reporting of a huge radiation measurement at Unit 2 in the Fukushima Daichi reactor complex does not signify that

The Fukushima nuclear meltdown continues unabated Read More »

Peace Activist: US Congressional Study on Wiping Out Russian Leader ‘Ridiculous’

The US Congress’s request to American intelligence agencies to evaluate the “survivability” of Russian and Chinese leaders after a nuclear attack is absurd, global peace activist Helen Caldicott told Sputnik. The comprehensive study recently mandated by Congress will be carried out by the US intelligence agencies and by STRATCOM, US Strategic Command which is in charge of nuclear forces, according

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Interview on Radio 531pi

Radio 531pi has been serving our Pacific communities on the AM band since 1993. Our team of broadcasters aim to provide news, views and interviews keeping you informed about the latest sports, current events, and issues affecting our Pacific communities. This interview with Dr. Caldicott was recorded on 16 Nov 2016. Radio 531pe’s website is

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US-NATO ‘Buildup on Russian Border Could Lead to Nuclear War’ – Nobel Laureate

US political leaders have falsely accused Moscow of threatening NATO member states while the alliance aggressively builds up military forces on Russia’s border, Nobel Peace Prize winner and global peace activist Helen Caldicott told Sputnik. On Thursday, US Secretary of Defense nominee James Mattis told a Senate committee in confirmation hearings that NATO must build capacity in eastern

US-NATO ‘Buildup on Russian Border Could Lead to Nuclear War’ – Nobel Laureate Read More »

US Media Peddling Fake News for Over Century, Activist Says

The US government and State Department do not deserve to be entrusted with the power to pass judgment on what is legitimate news as because they have disseminated so much false information of their own, global peace activist Helen Caldicott told Sputnik. US Congress recently agreed to fund $160 million to battle what they claimed to be foreign

US Media Peddling Fake News for Over Century, Activist Says Read More »

Helen Caldicott – Anti-nuclear warrior

Australian Dr Helen Caldicott has been campaigning for nuclear disarmament for decades and her visit to New Zealand in the early ’80s is often cited as a catalyst for Kiwis adopting the anti-nuclear cause as their own. The Smithsonian Institute has described her as one of the 21st century’s most influential women.

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Acclaimed Peace Doctor Says President Trump Could Result in Nuclear Disaster

Visiting international peace activist Dr. Helen Caldicott says the election of Donald Trump means New Zealand’s role as a non-nuclear state is of vital importance. She says we don’t know what President-elect Trump will do when he reaches the oval office, but the threat of nuclear war could be closer than ever. The New Zealand

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Whose work was the inspiration for the first nuke-free country?

New Zealand was the first country in the world to pass national nuclear-free legislation. Marilyn Waring reflects on how Dr. Helen Caldicott’s influence culminated in the passage of the cornerstone of New Zealand’s foreign policy. If you were growing up in New Zealand and Australia post World War II, there’s a chance you knew about

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US Risks Provoking Kim Jong-Un Into Unpredictable Reactions

Global peace campaigner Dr. Helen Caldicott claims that the current United States-South Korea military exercises are more likely to provoke North Korea’s ruler Kim Jong-un into an unpredictable and dangerous reaction rather than deter him. The current United States-South Korea military exercises are more likely to provoke North Korea’s ruler Kim Jong-un into an unpredictable and dangerous

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Helen Caldicott: “America still thinks it can win a nuclear war”

Jane Stillwater is a freelance journalist, war correspondent, blogger, political Cassandra and author of “Bring Your Own Flak Jacket: Helpful Tips for Touring Today’s Middle East,” now available on Her latest motto is “Stop Wall Street and War Street from destroying our world.” I just attended the 31st annual national Veterans for Peace convention

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Webinar on ‘A nuclear weapons free world’

On 5 August, Dr. Caldicott spoke at the webinar, “A nuclear weapon free world : 71 years in the making – is there an end in sight?”, presented by the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF). She was one of three world-renowned anti- nuclear researchers and campaigners: Dr Helen Caldicott, veteran international anti nuclear expert and campaigner Ray

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Dr. Helen Caldicott at the San Francisco Public Library

Nobel Peace Prize Nominee Dr. Helen Caldicott, known as the world’s foremost anti-nuclear activist, speaks about whether nuclear disarmament is achievable. Dr. Caldicott is author of The New Nuclear Danger, Nuclear Power is Not the Answer, and Crisis Without End, among others. She has devoted the last forty-five years to an international campaign to educate

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Ukraine President Hires Ex-NATO Chief in Bid for Alliance Membership

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko’s appointment of former NATO head Anders Fogh Rasmussen as his personal adviser marks a significant step in the US masterplan to fully integrate Ukraine into the Atlantic Alliance, global peace campaigner Helen Caldicott told Sputnik. WASHINGTON (Sputnik) — On Friday, Poroshenko announced on his website he was appointing former NATO Secretary-General

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US Missile Shield in EU Designed to Provoke Russia

The activation of US Aegis anti-missile bases in Europe is deliberately meant to outrage Russian leaders and is intensifying tensions and security threats in Europe, Nobel Peace Prize-winner Helen Caldicott told Sputnik. WASHINGTON (Sputnik) – Earlier on Thursday, the US Aegis Ashore missile defense system was officially inaugurated at a military base in Romania, and

US Missile Shield in EU Designed to Provoke Russia Read More »

Anti-nuclear pioneer Helen Caldicott slams SA waste dump plans

A pioneer of Australia’s anti-nuclear movement has described the final report from South Australia’s Nuclear Fuel Cycle Royal Commission as a “snow job”. The report says plans for a high- to intermediate-level waste dump should be actively pursued, if the public wants it. The report by commissioner Kevin Scarce was handed to the SA Government

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Fukushima Report: 10,000 Excess Cancers Expected In Japan As A Result Of 2011 Reactor Meltdowns, Ongoing Radiation Exposure

Residents of the Fukushima area and the rest of Japan will experience more than 10,000 excess cancer deaths as a result of radiation exposure from the triple-reactor meltdown that took place on March 11, 2011, according to a new report from Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR) and International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War

Fukushima Report: 10,000 Excess Cancers Expected In Japan As A Result Of 2011 Reactor Meltdowns, Ongoing Radiation Exposure Read More »

Bernie Sanders Poses Greatest Threat to US Establishment – Peace Campaigner

Global peace campaigner Helen Caldicott claims that Sanders presents the greatest direct political challenge to the established interests in the United States. WASHINGTON (Sputnik) — Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders presents the greatest direct political challenge to the established interests in the United States, global peace campaigner Helen Caldicott said. “Bernie Sanders poses the strongest challenge to the US

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US Sanctions, Drills Risk N Korea Unpredictable Reaction – Peace Campaigner

The latest US sanctions on North Korea, imposed as joint military exercises are underway, run the risk of alarming Pyongyang’s leader Kim Jong-un into some rash and unpredictable move, global peace campaigner Helen Caldicott told Sputnik. WASHINGTON (Sputnik) — “The imposition of sanctions upon North Korea at the moment is certain to be perceived in Pyongyang as extremely provocative when the United

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International Nuclear Waste Expert Visits Contaminated Areas in St. Louis

by Holly Shanks, Just Moms STL, 22 February 2016 “I toured the situation yesterday and my hair nearly fell out,” Dr. Helen Caldicott said. “I’ve never seen anything so **** dangerous.” The internationally renowned authority on the medical dangers of nuclear waste did not sugarcoat her thoughts after visiting several contamination points, like Westlake Landfill and Coldwater

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Courting Armageddon – Der Tanz auf dem Vulkan

On 28 February 2016, Dr. Caldicott addressed a conference of International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War in Berlin, Germany. “The IPPNW advocates to avert threats to life and health. We are working on all political and social boundaries. Our medicine is preventative and politically we stand for peaceful conflict resolution, international treaties for

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US Risks Provoking Kim Jong-Un Into Unpredictable Reactions

Global peace campaigner Dr. Helen Caldicott claims that the current United States-South Korea military exercises are more likely to provoke North Korea’s ruler Kim Jong-un into an unpredictable and dangerous reaction rather than deter him. The current United States-South Korea military exercises are more likely to provoke North Korea’s ruler Kim Jong-un into an unpredictable and dangerous

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Anti-nuclear activist tours north St. Louis County sites contaminated with radioactive waste

By Stephanie Lecci, St. Louis Public Radio, 19 February 2016 An internationally recognized anti-nuclear activist and Australian physician said the radioactive contamination in north St. Louis County is “worse than most places” she’s investigated. Dr. Helen Caldicott toured several local sites Friday afternoon, including: the recently remediated St. Cin Park in Hazelwood; West Lake Landfill Superfund

Anti-nuclear activist tours north St. Louis County sites contaminated with radioactive waste Read More »

Helen Caldicott to conduct nuclear symposium in St. Louis: ‘The Atoms Next Door’

By Byron DeLear,, 13 February 2016 The inimitable Dr. Helen Caldicott will be traveling to Saint Louis to conduct a symposium on the health impacts of radioactivity and nuclear waste on Saturday, February 20th at St. Louis Community College-Wildwood. Recently, the radioactive West Lake Landfill in north St. Louis County has made international headlines due

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Fate of the earth

By Joel McNeece, The Journal, January 27, 2016 “Teachers, I believe, are the most responsible and important members of society because their professional efforts affect the fate of the earth.” Those are the words of Helen Caldicott, an Australian physician and author. Many would take umbrage with that notion, but they should have been present at

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The Death of Nuclear Power

HELEN CALDICOTT ON EVERLASTING NUCLEAR WASTE In a populated suburb of St. Louis Missouri, nuclear waste from American bomb-making is washing into surface water. Now all that radioactive mess is threatened by an underground fire just 1200 feet away. If that’s the best the United States can do, what chance does Australia have, with their

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‘New’ US Mideast Strategy to Cause More Suffering – Peace Movement Founder

Sputnik International, 26/01/16 The co-winner of the 1985 Nobel Peace Prize, Dr. Helen Caldicott said that the new US strategy of returning ground troops to the Middle East to combat the Islamic State terror group, also known as Daesh, will only add to the morass of human suffering caused by previous US interventions in the

‘New’ US Mideast Strategy to Cause More Suffering – Peace Movement Founder Read More »

Common Myths of the Nuclear Industry

Myth: the new generation of nuclear reactors are designed to recycle nuclear waste BUST: These reactors don’t exist These reactors often spoken of by advocates of nuclear energy are hypothetical. There are none of these “Generation IV” reactors commercially operating anywhere in the world: Even the demonstration plants are still decades away Various designs are

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Breach of faith regarding referendum on the Kvanefjeld mining project

Nuuk, Narsaq, Qassiarsuk, Aarhus and Copenhagen, 16 December 2015 On several occasions, the Greenlandic government, Naalakkersuisut, has promised a referendum in Southern Greenland on the controversial uranium/rare earth elements mining project at Kvanefjeld. The promise has now been withdrawn without prior public debate. This happened shortly before the owner, the Australian mining company Greenland Minerals

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Increased uranium mining and more radioactive waste would be bad news for Australia

By Helen Caldicott, Sydney Morning Herald, November 4, 2015 When Malcolm Turnbull mooted the question about storing radioactive waste in Australia, I felt that I finally understood the aim of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle Royal Commission being conducted in South Australia. Then I wondered whether the nuclear industry is going to propose in Paris that nuclear power

Increased uranium mining and more radioactive waste would be bad news for Australia Read More »

What the EPA’s Clean Power Plan means for nuclear energy

Peter A. Bradford, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 09/24/2015 For nuclear power, the good news and the bad news in EPA’s final Clean Power Plan are the same: The technology got pretty much what it deserved. The competitive position of all new low-carbon electricity sources will improve relative to fossil fuels. New reactors (including the

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