Cancer Risk To Young Children Near Fukushima Daiichi Underestimated

from Fairewinds Energy Education As the three year anniversary of the triple meltdown at Fukushima Daiichi just passed, our minds have been on the health of the Japanese people, in particular the children. This week’s film is a reissue of a film we released last year featuring Ian Goddard and Fairewinds’ Arnie Gundersen discussing the […]

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Great Barrier Reef on brink of devastation in relentless quest for coal

The Queensland and federal governments’ mining push is a catastrophe in the making, write Helen Caldicott and Reese Halter. The Age, February 4, 2014 The rampant destruction of the Great Barrier Reef, given the green light last Friday by the federal government, epitomises the values of our modern world. “Economic development” and “jobs” reign supreme while

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Anti-Nuke Activist Helen Caldicott Speaking at U.S. Premiere of Fallout

By David Robb, Hollywood Today, 2013/11/3 Australian documentary Fallout about the making of the 1950s Gregory Peck film On the Beach and book of the same name is part of the invitation-only Kat Kramer screening series, premieres on November 13th at the Sunset Gower Studios in Hollywood. “On The Beach was a pivotal event in my life, both reading the book and

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Cindy Sheehan’s Soapbox

“Use your head, Cindy” Dr. Helen Caldicott on Cindy Sheehan’s Soapbox (PODCAST 11/03/13) Cindy Sheehan’s Soapbox hosted a community conference call with Dr. Caldicott who called in from Australia to share her knowledge and wisdom with us. Cindy Sheehan and the Soapbox have been calling for a comprehensive and energetic response to the disaster at Fukushima

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Radiation Fears Are Real

To the Editor, New York Times: Re “Taming Radiation Fears” (Op-Ed, Oct. 22): David Ropeik, a specialist on risk perception and risk communication, plays down the mass of scientific and medical literature that amply demonstrates that ionizing radiation is a potent carcinogen and that no dose is low enough not to induce cancer. Large areas

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Don’t endanger people ‘Into Eternity’

Frances Lamberts, 29 Oct 2013, Herald & Tribune For a recently published book, Dr. Helen Caldicott interviewed the Danish director of a documentary about the Onkalo repository in Finland, which is to “hide” the spent-fuel waste from that country’s nuclear power plants. Titled, “Into Eternity,” the film details the bunker-like underground structure, begun in 2004, whose

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Latham addresses climate change at Bermagui

“Global warming is the issue that can change everything – we know this from the irrational right-wing response to climate change,” according to former ALP leader Mark Latham. Mr Latham was speaking to a big, sell-out public dinner hosted by the Bermagui Institute last month. “The Industrial Revolution created two pervasive institutions: market based capitalism

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International Peace

Einstein –“The splitting of the atom changed everything save man’s mode of thinking, thus we drift towards unparalleled catastrophe.” This subject has perplexed me ever since I was a young girl and read “On The Beach” when I lived in Melbourne. It became obvious to  me that unless men could restrain themselves and not fight and

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2013 Speaking Schedule

September 21: Lecture at the University of New England, Armidale – International Peace (Australia) November 4: Address to the American Public Health Association in Boston on the Medical Consequences of the Nuclear Age (USA) November 9: Address to the New Hampshire Peace Action Organisation (USA) November 13: Opening the film in Hollywood titled Fallout for

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Endless Fukushima catastrophe: 2020 Olympics under contamination threat

As the escape of radiation at Fukushima seems virtually unstoppable, there are still steps that governments all over the world should take to prevent worst case consequences. One of them would be canceling the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo. Scientific estimates predict that the radioactive plume travelling east across the Pacific will likely hit the shores

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Letter to the UN

Seventeen international scientists and experts have written to the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon urging international action on Fukushima crisis. “We write to you in urgency. The situation around the world at radioactively contaminated sites is not good, and it is clear that the situation at the Fukushima Daiichi reactor site is progressively deteriorating, not stabilizing.”

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What will motivate you to act?

Dr. Helen Caldicott, world-mover, shaker, anti-nuke leader, joins our community at First Churches to discuss the ongoing dangers of the radiation from Fukushima (and other nuclear facilities). An engaging, spirited speaker, she begs each of us to find a way to get the message out about the long term health effects we all share from

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Helen Caldicott Foundation’s Fukushima Symposium

Symposium on The Medical and Ecological Impacts of  the Fukushima Nuclear Accident To Be Held at the New York Academy of Medicine in March 2013 A unique, two-day symposium at which an international panel of leading medical and biological scientists, nuclear engineers, and policy experts will make presentations on, and discuss the bio-medical and ecological

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Japan Lecture Tour Nov 2012

Dr. Caldicott will undertake a Lecture Tour in Japan November 17-25, 2012 under the title “What You Must Know About Radiation Exposure”. More details about dates and venues will be provided when they are confirmed. In a related announcement, Fukushima Radioactive Contamination Symptoms Research (FRCSR) has been authorized to officially represent Dr. Helen Caldicott in

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US Schedule Oct / Nov 2012

Arriving New York on the evening of the 25th of October. October 27: speaking on Long Island, arranged by Bob Debenedetto October 28: speech in Philadelphia arranged by Ed Aguilar October 29: launch of LOVING THIS PLANET at Busboys and Poets DC October 30–November 2: Saskatoon for speeches re nuclear reactors to power the

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The Lizard’s Revenge

The Lizards Revenge music and arts festival and protest camp will take place at the gates of the Olympic Dam mine (or close by) from the 14th-18th July 2012.  The festival will include a variety of musicians, bands and artists from around the country, a solar powered sound system, wind powered cinema, mobile artworks and

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Dr. Caldicott to Speak in Adelaide

URANIUM, THE NUCLEAR CYCLE, AND THE THREATS TO OUR ENVIRONMENT AND HEALTH Sunday July 22, 2pm Lecture Theatre 102, Napier Building, University of Adelaide Arguably the most well-known anti-nuclear campaigner on the planet, Nobel Prize nominee Dr Helen Caldicott has spent the past four decades educating citizens on the environmental and health impacts of nuclear power.

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Who Cares? Helen Caldicott and Kate Orff in Conversation

On 2 April, Columbia University hosted a cross-disciplinary dialogue on energy, environmental health, landscape, and care between physician and anti-nuclear activist Helen Caldicott and Urban Landscape Lab Director Kate Orff. Caldicott continues to challenge notions that nuclear power is the answer to global warming today. This event takes inspiration from her work, as well as

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Occupy Hanford Rally

Dr. Caldicott was in Richland, WA for a rally on 15 April organized by Occupy Portland to bring awareness to Hanford, which is a mostly decommissioned nuclear production facility occupying nearly 600 sq. miles in southern Washington.It’s where the atomic bomb was developed during WWII. The video was taken by a local supporter and can

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Is Helen Caldicott’s Nuclear Madness Still Relevant?

Helen Caldicott, the Australia-born American physician and anti-nuclear activist of the late 1970s and early 1980s, was a practitioner of paediatrics at the Children’s Hospital Medical Center in Boston, U.S. A leading critic of nuclear technology and armament industries, she tried to conscientise the world through her almost solitary protest writings and TV and radio

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March / April Public Appearances for Dr. Caldicott

Friday 16 March Film and discussion Temple United Methodist Church 1415 Northeast 43rd St Seattle Watch trailer online A critical look at how the authorities handled the nuclear crisis and Tsunami relief by an American who volunteered in the clean-up. Visit Kickstarter page for Surviving Japan. More about Dr. Caldicott’s March / April public appearances→

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October Public Appearances for Dr. Caldicott

Saturday 1st October Coalition Against Nukes Rally for Nuclear-Free Energy, Noon-3:30 pm, Hudson River Park, Pier 95, 12th Ave @ West 55th Street, NYC Live streaming video This is the Coalition Against Nukes National Day of Action flagship rally, with more events happening throughout the United States. Dr. Caldicott is keynote speaker. Visit More

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The Awful Magnitude of Destruction from a Nuclear Meltdown

Rasmussen Report October 1975, WASH-1400, updated by Union of Concerned Scientists The report states that in the “worst possible case” (an assumed 10 million people at risk) 3,300 people would die of severe radiation damage within several days; 10,000 to 100,000 people would develop acute radiation sickness within two to six weeks of initial exposure.

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Internal Radioactive Emitters – Invisible, Tasteless, and Odorless

Huge quantities of radioactive elements, more than anyone has been able or willing to measure, have been continuously released into the air and water since the multiple meltdowns at the Fukushima Daiichi Complex in Japan on and around March 11, 2011. This accident is enormous in its medical implications. It will induce an epidemic of

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Unsafe at Any Dose

Six weeks ago, when I first heard about the reactor damage at the Fukushima Daiichi plant in Japan, I knew the prognosis: If any of the containment vessels or fuel pools exploded, it would mean millions of new cases of cancer in the Northern Hemisphere. Many advocates of nuclear power would deny this. During the

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Nuclear apologists play shoot the messenger on radiation

TWENTY-FIVE years after Chernobyl, many billions of dollars are at stake if the Fukushima reactor meltdowns cause the so-called “atomic renaissance” to halt or even slow down. This is evident from the nuclear industry’s vociferous attacks on its critics. We see this especially in Australia, where the industry is conducting a whatever-it-takes propaganda campaign to

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How nuclear apologists mislead the world over radiation

Soon after the Fukushima accident last month, I stated publicly that a nuclear event of this size and catastrophic potential could present a medical problemof very large dimensions. Events have proven this observation to be true despite the nuclear industry’s campaign about the “minimal” health effects of so-called low-level radiation. That billions of its dollars

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Statement by Dr Caldicott

“I have become Death, the destroyer of worlds”. Robert Oppenheimer, quoting the Baghavad Gita, on witnessing the first atomic bomb test, 1945 As I write this – on the afternoon of March 16 in the United States – the situation at the Fukushima Nuclear Plant No. 1 is, tragically, looking increasingly grim. Radiation levels are

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Caldicott: Japan may spell end of nuclear industry worldwide

Independent Australia, 15 Mar 2011 People all over the world are watching updates on the Japanese nuclear emergency in growing horror and disbelief. Despite soothing words from nuclear energy industry promoters, each update today has signalled fresh disaster and even more drastic warnings. Anti-nuclear campaigner Dr Helen Caldicott says it could spell the end of

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