Helen Caldicott Foundation’s Fukushima Symposium

Symposium on The Medical and Ecological Impacts of  the Fukushima Nuclear Accident To Be Held at the New York Academy of Medicine in March 2013

Fukushima SymposiumA unique, two-day symposium at which an international panel of leading medical and biological scientists, nuclear engineers, and policy experts will make presentations on, and discuss the bio-medical and ecological consequences of the Fukushima disaster, will be held at the New York Academy of Medicine on March 11-12, 2013  the second anniversary of the accident. The public is welcome.

Chaired by Donald Louria, MD, Chairman Emeritus of the Department of  Preventive Medicine and Community Health of the University of Medicine and Denistry, New Jersey,  the symposium is a project of the Helen Caldicott Foundation and is open to the public.

Confirmed speakers include:

  • Dr. Tim Mousseau, Professor of Biological Sciences, University of South Carolina – Chernobyl, Fukushima and other Hot Places, Biological Consequences
  • Ken Buesseler, Marine Scientist, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute – Consequences for the Ocean of the Fukushima-Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident
  • David Lochbaum, the Union of Concerned Scientists – Another Unsurprising Surprise
  • Dr Wladimir Wertelecki, Chairman Department of Medical Genetics and Birth Defects Center, University South Carolina – Congenital Malformations in Rivne Polossia associated with the Chernobyl Accident
  • Dr. Marek Niedziela, Professor of Pediatrics, Poznan (Poland) University of Medical Sciences – Thyroid Pathology in Children with Particular Reference to Chernobyl and Fukushima
  • Dr. Alexy Yablokov, Russian Academy of Sciences – Lessons from Chernobyl
  • Akio Matsumura, Founder of Global Forum for Parliamentary Leaders on Global Survival – What did the World Learn from the Fukushima Accident?
  • Robert Alvarez, Senior Scholar, Institute for Policy Studies


Registration, program, speaker and transport details are available here.

For further information about the Symposium, contact Mali Lightfoot, Executive Director of the Foundation,  at MaliLightfoot@gmail.com or 617-650-5048.

12 thoughts on “Helen Caldicott Foundation’s Fukushima Symposium”

  1. susan murauskas

    Thank You for all the knowledge & wisdom you have enlightened me with over the past 30 years !! What are your thoughts on ‘Hemp mixture’ for cleaning up ‘nuclear’ spills ?

  2. dr. josefu limoli deyama

    hello I am a surgeon activist for nuclear problems and especially waste issues all over asia. Myself and colleagues would as soon as possible see the symposium held 2 weeks ago. Is it on any venue or Youtube.com?….thanks so much…dr. josefu

  3. The Fukushima Symposium was amazing.

    I feel like I got a million dollar education from it.

    I am honored to have been able to listen to a collection of such knowledgeable and experienced speakers.

    And I learned a lot from every speaker’s presentation.

    Thank you sincerely for assembling a group of speakers who told the truth.

    You know how the truth has a certain ring to it?

    Well, I heard that ring in each speaker’s voice.

  4. Thank you very much Dr. Helen Caldicott. I am from Miyagi Japan, and I recently lost my mother for cancer in January. I live near NYC, and have been opening my eyes to your view, Dr. Arnie Gandersen, Dr. Janet Sherman, Dr. Hiroaki Koide (Kyoto University), Dr. Tetsuji Imanaka, etc. There is a radio called, Radio Forum. I have sent email to them that they should feature you, Dr. Arnie Gandersen, Dr. Janet Sherman, and Dr. Alexey Nesterenko, the director of Berlad Institute too. I spoke with my friends back home in Japan, and I am surprised every time how less information that my friends have regards to the truth about the radiation and health impact.

  5. Thank you Dr Helen Caldicott!!! Your insight and honesty is what our world needs more of today. You truly are a very specially hero to all humanity around the world.

  6. hello — i am a senior fellow at the world policy institute in NY but based in VT. i may be writing about the conference for our world policy journal.

    it would be great to have representation from those US service people who are suing TEPCO for radiation exposure during their ‘cleanup’ work from the USS Reagan, which I believe is in drydock or somesuch for being so irradiated….this would be an interesting angle to cover in the conference

    i hope there is a good representation of women presenters…

    look forward to the conference thanks for your efforts.

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