Small Modular Reactors

By Helen Caldicott In light of Peter Dutton’s enthusiastic endorsement of the latest nuclear reactors, it is pertinent to review this technology in depth. There are three types of SMRs which generate less than 300 megawatts of electricity compared with current day 1000 megawatt reactors. Light water reactors designs – smaller versions of present-day pressurized

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Nuclear lobby manipulates ABC’s 7.30

by Noel Wauchope, Independent Australia, 11 April 2024 7.30’s report on nuclear energy displayed an enormous amount of bias (Screenshot via YouTube)   ON 4 APRIL, on ABC’s 7.30, regional affairs reporter Jane Norman presented a sort of debate on nuclear power for Australia. An accompanying article was also published on 2 April as a debate about ‘a generational divide’. The

Nuclear lobby manipulates ABC’s 7.30 Read More »

If You Love This Planet – Screening & Webinar + JFK

  Guest Speaker: Helen Caldicott, World Renowned Peace Activist & Author Moderated by Martin Sheen, Actor & Peace Activist Sponsored by the JFK Peace Speech Committee and the Community Church of Boston Monday February 19, 2024 7pm-8.30pm EST Register for Zoom Link The first hour of our Program, moderated by Martin Sheen, will feature an award-winning

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When Nuclear War is No Longer Unthinkable: Honoring Two Television Events

By Charlotte Dennett, CounterPunch, January 23, 2024 “There’s something about the sound of a mothers scream, you just never forget.” That was a comment from actress Ellen Moore when interviewed about her role in a recently released documentary about the 1982 movie The Day After, a spellbinder that had over a hundred million Americans glued to

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Doomsday Clock at 90 seconds to midnight — time is almost up

By Karl Grossman, Independent Australia, 31 January 2024 (Images: The Official CTBTO Photostream | Flickr / PxHere) Nuclear experts are warning that we are dangerously close to annihilation as wars escalate around the world, writes Karl Grossman. THE “DOOMSDAY CLOCK” of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists was kept at 90 seconds to midnight this week — the

Doomsday Clock at 90 seconds to midnight — time is almost up Read More »

Shuttering the Nuclear Weapons Sites: There’s Gold in Those Warheads but the Scrap Metal is Radioactive

by Robert Alvarez, The Washington Spectator, Dec 18, 2023 | Environment PHOTO CREDIT: Savannah River Site As one of my first tasks early in the first Clinton Administration as the newly appointed Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy, I conducted the first (and only) asset inventory of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). In carrying it out, we

Shuttering the Nuclear Weapons Sites: There’s Gold in Those Warheads but the Scrap Metal is Radioactive Read More »

Melting down the Coalition’s clean, green nuclear spin

By Michelle Pini, Independent Australia, 22 September 2023 (Image by Dan Jensen) Managing editor Michelle Pini details why Peter Dutton’s latest nuclear energy push is actually “unhinged”. APPARENTLY, no one suffered from the Fukushima meltdown. Or the Chernobyl calamity. So, we should all move on. Certainly, with fossil fuels fast running out, the Coalition – led by Dutton

Melting down the Coalition’s clean, green nuclear spin Read More »

Vanuatu MP, veteran filmmaker, and Dr. Helen Caldicott fight Japan’s plan to dump radioactive wastewater into our Pacific Ocean

Press release from: Exposure Films Trust   The Honorable Andrew Napuat and award-winning filmmaker Philippe Carillo (The Fukushima Disaster, the Hidden Side of the Story) are speaking out against Japan’s government and the International Atomic Energy Agency’s (IAEA) attempts to silence the voices of the people of the Pacific Island Nations by censuring critical data recognized

Vanuatu MP, veteran filmmaker, and Dr. Helen Caldicott fight Japan’s plan to dump radioactive wastewater into our Pacific Ocean Read More »

Ukraine Civilians, Children Will Die For Years From US Cluster Bombs – Peace Activist

Mohammad Ali, UrduPoint, July 17, 2023 WASHINGTON Thousands of Ukrainian civilians, especially children, are going to die from unexploded cluster bombs supplied by the United States to the Kiev regime in the coming decades, global peace activist Dr. Helen Caldicott told Sputnik. “Between 5% to 30% of these bomblets fail to explode initially,” Caldicott, founder

Ukraine Civilians, Children Will Die For Years From US Cluster Bombs – Peace Activist Read More »

Helen Caldicott: cancers, campaigns & practicing global medicine

Listen on Spotify. For Dr. Helen Caldicott’s website, go here. Specifically, information on the effects of radionuclides can be found here. Watch Dr. Caldicott’s Academy Award winning documentary If You Love This Planet informing the world on the truth about nuclear war. Follow Physicians for Social Responsibility and International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear

Helen Caldicott: cancers, campaigns & practicing global medicine Read More »

Gorilla Radio with Chris Cook, Helen Caldicott, Nils Melzer (redux)

Legendary anti-nuclear and peace activist, Helen Caldicott on the news of DU entering the Ukraine battlefield; Nils Melzer on the torture of the World’s most famous political prisoner, Julian Assange. Welcome to Gorilla Radio, recorded April 2nd and 5th, 2023.   Follow this link to listen. Just thirty years since the fall of the USSR

Gorilla Radio with Chris Cook, Helen Caldicott, Nils Melzer (redux) Read More »

Arguing Against Nuclear Energy: Dr. Helen Caldicott

Global Warming is Real, April 3, 2023 Guest article by Dr. Helen Caldicott As sustainability-conscious people, we know that nuclear power is just as much an enemy to our planet as climate change. But ironically, the two processes that create nuclear energy – fission and fusion – possess bone-chilling power in developing highly destructive nuclear weapons and produce vast

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The radioactive legacy of U.S.-led war in Iraq

By Helen Caldicott, Independent Australia, 23 March 2023 Families in Iraq are now living with a dramatic rise in birth defects (Image via Pixabay) An increasing number of birth defects have been reported in Iraq following the U.S. detonation of radioactive weapons near homes and schools during the 2003 invasion, writes Dr Helen Caldicott. * CONTENT WARNING:

The radioactive legacy of U.S.-led war in Iraq Read More »

International Women’s Day: #IWDEndWar Across the Country

CodePink, 10 March 2023 20 years ago on International Women’s Day 2003 10,000 women marched from MLK Jr. Park to the White House to find it encircled and blocked by police; Alice Walker was able to affect an officer who opened a space for the women to enter the lockdown. Walker stated “The best substitute for war is intelligence,

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Dr. Helen Caldicott says the World is Closer to Nuclear Annihilation than Ever Before

For Immediate Release 2/2/2023 For more information contact Steve Taylor at (314) 210-1322 In Interview Released Today Famed Peace Activist, Dr. Helen Caldicott, says the World is Closer to Nuclear Annihilation than Ever Before  Caldicott believes the Doomsday Clock should be at 20 seconds to midnight. Dr. Helen Caldicott is concerned that we are

Dr. Helen Caldicott says the World is Closer to Nuclear Annihilation than Ever Before Read More »

Environmental experts warn of Indian Point owner plans to discharge radioactive waste into Hudson River

Jan 27, 2023, Updated on Jan 28, 2023 Environmental groups are sounding the alarm about the dangers of decommissioning the Indian Point Power Plant in Buchanan. The first in a series of public forums about the decommissioning of Indian Point was held Thursday, and one of the concerns discussed has to do with wastewater. Environmental

Environmental experts warn of Indian Point owner plans to discharge radioactive waste into Hudson River Read More »

Biden, Neocon War On Russia Leading World To Annihilation – Global Peace Activist

Umer Jamshaid  Published January 24, 2023  President Joe Biden has surrounded himself with hardline neocons and together they are waging a war on Russia in Ukraine that is leading the world towards nuclear annihilation, anti-nuclear campaigner and peace activist, Dr. Helen Caldicott, told Sputnik. Last week, the US announced another $2.6 billion in aid for Ukraine, which includes Bradley infantry fighting vehicles and Stryker armored personnel carriers, among

Biden, Neocon War On Russia Leading World To Annihilation – Global Peace Activist Read More »

You’re Going to Have to Change the Priorities of Your Life If You Love This Planet” with Dr. Helen Caldicott

  Download file | Play in new window | Recorded on January 7, 2023 Join host Ronnie Lipschutz in welcoming Dr. Helen Caldicott to Sustainability Now!, live from Australia, to talk about the looming threat of nuclear war. According to Dr. Caldicott, the nuclear doomsday clock of The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists is set at 100 seconds to Midnight, but 20 seconds is closer

You’re Going to Have to Change the Priorities of Your Life If You Love This Planet” with Dr. Helen Caldicott Read More »

Recent nuclear fusion news is more about hydrogen bombs than energy related

Rick Mills – Ahead of the Herd | December 16, 2022 | Energy Intelligence USA Uranium  Those who grew up in the 1980s and were educated in North America probably remember watching a film called ‘If You Love This Planet’. The 1982 short documentary records a lecture given to students by physician and anti-nuclear activist Dr. Helen Caldicott,

Recent nuclear fusion news is more about hydrogen bombs than energy related Read More »

Activist Radio

Now we are at the abyss of a war with Russia, the ultimate insanity. And yet the Pentagon spokespeople on NPR are there to talk up this latest war. They are full of platitudes about the war being winnable, as well as the moral thing to do for freedom and democracy in the world. iTunes:

Activist Radio Read More »

Nuclear weapons are still with us and still unthinkably dangerous

With the ominous threat of climate catastrophe clouding our future, it is easy to forget that the use of nuclear weapons could bring about immediate destruction on an unimaginable scale. The current ‘casual’ discussion of the possible use of tactical nuclear weapons in Ukraine brings home the reality of our risk. Dr Helen Caldicott is

Nuclear weapons are still with us and still unthinkably dangerous Read More »

Social Impact Heroes Helping Our Planet: Why & How Anti-Nuclear Advocate Dr. Helen Caldicott Is Helping To Change Our World

Martita Mestey, Nov 21, 2022 … I really need to address a Joint session of Congress so that they become aware of the travesty inherent in nuclear war which is definitely on the horizon. I also would need to have unlimited access to the American media to repeat what I did in the ’80s which

Social Impact Heroes Helping Our Planet: Why & How Anti-Nuclear Advocate Dr. Helen Caldicott Is Helping To Change Our World Read More »

U.S. slammed for decrying Australia’s anti-nuke stance

By Common Dreams | 11 November 2022 The Biden Administration is insisting Australia remain reliant on America’s nuclear forces (Image by Dan Jensen) As Australia considers signing a treaty against nuclear weapons, the United States has taken a bullying approach against the Albanese Government, writes Julia Conley. ANTI-NUCLEAR weapons campaigners rebuked the Biden Administration on Wednesday over its opposition

U.S. slammed for decrying Australia’s anti-nuke stance Read More »

Nuclear War & Medical Impacts – Dr. Helen Caldicott’s Oscar-Winning Film “If You Love This Planet”

Dr. Helen Caldicott has probably done more to make the public around the world aware of the dangers of nuclear weapons, nuclear war, nuclear reactors and the entire nuclear fuel chain than any other individual in history. During more than 60 years of activism, she has founded or revived organizations including Physicians for Social Responsibility; led protests,

Nuclear War & Medical Impacts – Dr. Helen Caldicott’s Oscar-Winning Film “If You Love This Planet” Read More »

Rehearsal for ‘Armageddon’ Underway as NATO and Russia Hold Nuclear Exercises

By Brett Wilkins, Common Dreams, 17 October 2022 A U.S. Air Force B-52 Stratofortress leads a formation of aircraft including American, Polish, German, and Swedish fighter aircraft over the Baltic Sea on June 9, 2016. (Photo: U.S. Air Force) As NATO on Monday began its annual rehearsal for nuclear war in Europe and Russia prepared to

Rehearsal for ‘Armageddon’ Underway as NATO and Russia Hold Nuclear Exercises Read More »

60 years of luck

By Linda Pentz Gunter, Beyond Nuclear International, 16 October 2022 When you are a medical professional, relying on luck is not the preferred option. But for 87-year old retired radiologist, Dr. Murray Watnick, there are some circumstances when, if luck comes your way, you readily embrace it. One such moment was the Cuban Missile Crisis,

60 years of luck Read More »

Trump’s Faulty ‘Double Standard’ Document Claim

By Robert Farley and Lori Robertson, Posted on October 10, 2022 | Updated on October 11, 2022 Former President Donald Trump made a series of faulty comparisons to other past presidents to argue that he was being held to a double standard regarding the FBI’s pursuit of his presidential documents. Trump accused several of his presidential predecessors of storing White House

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World Teachers Day Wishes, Quotes, Theme For 2022, History, Importance

Sambad English Bureau Oct 5, 2022  World Teachers’ Day is held annually on 5 October to celebrate all teachers around the globe. It commemorates the anniversary of the adoption of the 1966 ILO/UNESCO Recommendation concerning the Status of Teachers, which sets benchmarks regarding the rights and responsibilities of teachers, and standards for their initial preparation and

World Teachers Day Wishes, Quotes, Theme For 2022, History, Importance Read More »

Is nuclear war inevitable?

6 Sep 2022 | Joseph S. Nye Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and nuclear sabre rattling against the West have revived a debate about nuclear weapons. Last year, when a United Nations treaty to ban such weapons outright entered into force, none of the world’s nine nuclear-weapon states was among the 86 signatories. How can these states

Is nuclear war inevitable? Read More »

Gorbachev Ended Cold War, Eased Nuclear Tensions But Trusted US Too Much – Experts

Late Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev was a good, well-meaning man who ended the Cold War and dramatically reduced superpower and global nuclear tensions, but he put too much trust into the unwritten assurances of American leaders, experts told Sputnik. Gorbachev died on Tuesday at the age of 91 in Moscow after a long and serious

Gorbachev Ended Cold War, Eased Nuclear Tensions But Trusted US Too Much – Experts Read More »

Dorli Rainey, lifelong activist and Occupy symbol, dies at 95

By Joseph Wilkinson, New York Daily News, Aug 21, 2022 Dorli Rainey, the Seattle woman who constantly fought for what she believed in and briefly became a national symbol during the Occupy movement, died Aug. 12. She was 95. Rainey’s cause of death was not announced. Though she was known for years in the Pacific Northwest, Rainey rose

Dorli Rainey, lifelong activist and Occupy symbol, dies at 95 Read More »

Russia’s war could spell worldwide nuclear disaster

By Helen Caldicott, Independent Australia, 14 March 2022 “The unleashed power of the atom has changed everything save our modes of thinking and we thus drift toward unparalleled catastrophe” ~ Albert Einstein How right he was. Now laced with thousands of nuclear weapons, some on hair-trigger alert, with a demonic leader invading a neighbouring country and threatening to use

Russia’s war could spell worldwide nuclear disaster Read More »

Morrison makes soothing noises about nuclear non-proliferation, but what of future governments?

Helen Caldicott, Sydney Morning Herald, September 16, 2021 In 1971, radioactive isotopes were found in the Adelaide water supply having emanated from the French atmospheric tests being conducted on the Mururoa Atoll in the Pacific. As the Australian people learnt about the dangers posed by these tests, they rose up. Thousands marched in city streets,

Morrison makes soothing noises about nuclear non-proliferation, but what of future governments? Read More »

An international tribute to nuclear-free warrior, Dr Helen Caldicott

My Six Mentors, Helen Caldicott, MD by Mary Olson, Gender and Radiation Impact Project, 1 January 2021 Helen Caldicott deserves a much greater place in our histories of the Cold War and ending the USA / USSR arms race than she generally gets. This is, perhaps, because she is powerful and a woman. A pediatrician, who in

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